Generous Casinos
Welcome to the resurrection of Generous Casinos. I've been playing at the online casinos since 2001, which seems like forever in computer years. Now, I'm putting my experience as a casino gaming enthusiast to good use by putting togehter a website where you can find the best casino bonuses, the rules and winning strategies for any of the online games, and news from the online casino industry.
By bookmarking this site you can keep up to date with new casino bonuses when they are announced, new caisno games when they are released, and other developments in the world of online casinos.
Enjoy your stay, and Good Luck at the casino . . .
Playing Online
The Advantages of Playing Online
I live within driving distance to some rather large casinos. They aren't Las Vegas mind you, but they aren't a one room slots parlor either.
Sill, I enjoy playing online - and here are my top reasons why . . .
- No Driving - And that's not only becuase of the price of gas. Although, I can save the money I'd put into the tank to take the three hour round trip and put it into my casino bankroll instead.
But there's more to it. It's mostly the time I save that makes playing from home a great option for me. If I'm in the car for three hours, you know I won't be happy staying for 45 minutes. In order to make it worth taking the trip, I basically have to make a day out of it.
Sometimes I want to play, but I'm not interested in spending the entire day on gambling at a casino. I'd rather just play Blackjack for a half an hour until the game comes on. So, that's what I do - at one of the online casinos.
- Bonuses - I get comps at the land-based casinos. But if I'm not staying over night, I'm not interested in the free drinks.
I get comps at the online casinos too, but more than that, I get a steady diet of bonus offers. They range from "Welcome to the Casino" offers for trying out a new casino, to what they call "existing player" bonuses. Either way, it adds up to free money to use playing casino games.
It makes a difference.
- Tournaments - That's right, they have tournaments for more than poker these days. Online casinos are hosting tournaments in table games like Blackjack, and of course on slot machines. I get to play against the house, and against other players at the same time. It's different, and fun.
- Better Payouts - In general, the slots are looser at the online casinos than they are in a brick and mortar casino. Loose slots are more fun to play.
Online casinos will offer different rules for table games like Blackjack (and you get to choose which version you like best) - so you aren't stuck playing from a 6 deck shoe where they only pay 6:5 for a Blackjack!